Friday, November 4, 2016

Homemade Poppyseed Chicken

You know when you have a TON of work to do, but you're so overwhelmed that you just sit there and scroll through instagram (or write a blog...ha...ha...ha.....)?

Yep, that's me right now.

The end of the semester is approaching way too quickly--I have tests, projects, and papers due soon, I've committed to going to four large events just this weekend (and more next weekend), and yet, I'm sitting here in my favorite comfy chair, writing a blog like I don't have grades to worry about.

I think that there's just so much to do that I can't face it right now, not after a full day of classes. The only thing keeping me sane is what's beyond all of the work--Thanksgiving break and then Christmas break! I'm beyond excited to fill my grandma's kitchen with yummy fall smells in a few short weeks. It's so close, yet so far...

In the meantime, I have some good ol' fashioned comfort food for you, perfect for these colder and shorter days.

Poppyseed chicken! My mom used to make this a few times a year, and it was always so good. Creamy, warm, flavorful. While she used a much simpler recipe, I wanted to eliminate the questionable cans of soup that the original recipe involved, and make it completely from scratch. And all I can say is, there were no leftovers! Probably helps that we hadn't had it in years, though, huh?

Homemade Poppyseed Chicken
Serves: 4-5
Total time: 30 min

Recipe from: