Friday, October 10, 2014


Do these cookies look like little mouthfuls of goodness or what?
If you answered YES then you are right! When I ate one of these snickerdoodles straight out of the oven, I was like yuuuuum that was good then I may or may not have stuffed two more straight into my mouth.

I mean, after waiting ten whole minutes for them to bake while amazing smells floated out of the oven, teasing my nose, how could I not eat multiple cookies? The smells just filled my head with visions of fall leaves, snuggly kitties, and warm drinks.
Also, it was probably a good thing that I made these snickerdoodles as a last-minute kind of thing on a school night, otherwise I would have just gone on munching them all day long. I’m telling you, they’re good.

So make some cookies, sit down with your warm morsels of goodness, and enjoy some cookie history—the best kind of history...

…Snickerdoodles are another one of those desserts that is shrouded in mystery. We know that they have been around from at least 1889, and were especially popular in Pennsylvania. But that’s about it—from here, it’s all opinion. Some say they originate from the German phrase Schnecke Knödel which means "snail dumpling". Another belief is that the name came from a series of tall tales in the early 1990s based around a hero named Snickerdoodle. Still others have even stranger theories—and they’re all just that, theories. So there you have it. A brief history of snicker doodles.

Enjoy these cinnamon-y little treats!

Makes: 3 dozen
Time: 40 minutes

Recipe from: