Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Garlic Parmesan Kale Chips

Today, it's -12ºF, feels like -36ºF. Just in case you're wondering how us midwesterners are faring. Luckily, school is cancelled, so I get to stay home and play in the kitchen.

The other day I bought some kale, planning on eating it in salads. When I looked in the fridge, I didn't like my dressing options, so I ended up coating the leaves in strawberry jam to take away the bitterness. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad tasting--but it did kinda defeat the point of kale. Today, I decided to experiment with the rest of the kale. It turned out great, so I now present to you...garlic parmesan kale chips!

As these were baking, everyone (I'm currently staying with a friend at her parents' house) wondered what the nice smell was. But when I pulled kale chips out of the oven, Emmie was not happy that it was just a flavored "bush." But it's a healthy bush, I reminded her! That did not help.

In the end, I'm the only one that liked the chips. But honestly, what's not to like? They're lightly crispy, quite garlicky, and very healthy. I literally ate half the pan before I had to force myself to put the rest in a box for later!

So, you'll just have to decide yourself. Are you team nasty bush or tasty bush?

Garlic Parmesan Kale Chips

1 bunch of kale
Olive oil
Garlic powder

Fresh or dried parmesan, grated

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a jelly roll pan with tin foil.
Wash, dry, and de-stem the kale; rip into 1-inch sized pieces. Pour a little olive oil over the kale, and mix with hands until all of the kale is lightly coated. Do not drench.
Spread kale evenly in one layer over the pan. Sprinkle on garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. If using fresh parmesan, sprinkle it on now. If using dried parmesan, sprinkle on after removing from oven.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, until slightly crispy. Do not let brown.

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