Saturday, June 21, 2014

Chocolate Muffins

Tuesday morning I woke up and made 36 chocolate cupcakes for a cupcake order. I stacked them in a giant pile, planning to decorate them in the afternoon when they were cool.

Off I went with my friend to tour a few Russian monasteries. After stumbling into the Russian Water Museum with a babushka insisting we see the whole thing, visiting a monastery with two babushkas that were head scarf critics, relaxing in the pretty gardens of the second monastery, and eating a delicious Russian lunch while it rained outside, I retuned home to decorate my cupcakes.

Mom set out the cupcakes in a line on the counter.
"There's one missing," Mom informed me.
"What? Count them again." This was not a new problem. It's easy to miscount cupcakes.

But alas, it was true – one chocolate cupcake was missing.
No one admitted to eating it. The only person we hadn't questioned was Damon, who was at work.
When Damon returned, I interrogated him.

"So, was that a good cupcake at lunch?"
Damon's eyes bulged. "You counted them?!"
"Yep, and we're missing one."
"Well, I saw them there, and I hoped that it was a chocolate muffin. You know, like one of the ones  at bakeries with little chocolate chips in them."
"No. These are for an order, and there are no extra cupcakes in the freezer. Now you must come with me to tell the people and give them a discount."

After embarrassing Damon and offering the customers a discount, the next day I decided I could make actual chocolate muffins for Damon.
I was pleased with the high domes of the muffins rather than the flat tops of the chocolate cupcakes. Everyone ended up happy!

Chocolate Muffins
Makes: 14 standard sized muffins

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